7 Surprising Uses for Botox

By Dr. Christopher Cote and Dr. Nicolette Picerno on October 30, 2020 under Botox, Fillers

7 Surprising Uses for Botox

Botox is one of the most popular injectable treatments, but most people are only aware of its ability to soften wrinkles around the eyes or through the forehead. You may be surprised to learn that Botox has many other uses both in medicine and aesthetics! Here are seven of our favorite unexpected uses for Botox at FacesFirst.


Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, can surprisingly be treated with Botox! The same chemical transmitter for muscle contraction also triggers sweating. This means that Botox blocks sweating from occurring the same way that it relaxes muscle movement.

Patients can choose to have Botox injections in their armpits, hands, or feet to prevent excessive sweating in these areas. This is achieved using dilute solutions of Botox, but injecting more units than is typical compared to other Botox procedures. Generally, a hyperhidrosis patient can expect to receive 30-50 units per treatment area (for example, 30-50 units in each armpit) when choosing Botox. Effects from Botox treatment are not permanent, meaning there is no risk of permanently damaging or shutting down sweat glands.

TMJ and Ear Pain

TMJ, or temporal mandibular joint, pain occurs when a patient consistently clenches their jaw. For some patients, the ears may also hurt as a type of referred pain from this issue. Injecting Botox into the masseter muscle decreases the force a patient can exert when clenching or grinding their teeth, which reduces inflammation and pain. Dr. Picerno will inject 30-50 units of undiluted Botox into the masseter muscle, which relieves TMJ or ear pain for about six months to a year for most patients.

Dimples in the Chin

Dimpling in the chin is caused by fat loss as a result of the aging process. In the chin, the small muscles that move the lower lip and mouth are more visible when fat is lost through the area. Careful injections by an expert can superficially paralyze this area without impacting smiling or other important functions. This involves injecting just 6-10 units of Botox into the treatment area, with results lasting about three to five months.

Marionette Lines and Downturned Lips

The depressor angular oris is the muscle that pulls the corners of the mouth down. Injecting Botox into this area can give the mouth a more pleasant expression or soften marionette lines. However, injections in this area can affect the smile if done incorrectly, which is why it’s important to seek treatment from a qualified, experienced professional like those at FacesFirst. Botox for the marionette lines or downturned lips typically lasts three to five months.

Neck Bands and Turkey Neck

Neck bands or ridges are commonly known as “turkey neck,” but medically known as platysma bands. Injecting 10-20 units of Botox into this area can soften the appearance of turkey neck for up to five months.

Gummy Smiles

A “gummy smile,” or seeing more of the gums when you smile, can also be treated by Botox. To achieve a less gummy smile, injections are made just under the nose. Only three to five units of Botox are needed to complete this procedure, making it relatively fast, cost-effective, and simple. Effects last up to three months. Like other Botox procedures around the mouth, it’s possible for the smile to be affected, so always choose an educated and experienced provider like Dr. Picerno.

Nonsurgical Brow Lift

Finally, Botox can be used for a nonsurgical brow lift, with patients commonly achieving 1-3 millimeters of elevation for the tail of the brow. This small change drastically changes the appearance, leaving patients looking more youthful and awake. Just three to five units of Botox are necessary to achieve these effects.

Schedule a Botox Consultation

No matter your reason for choosing Botox, you can trust Dr. Picerno and the FacesFirst team to give you the best possible results. Schedule your consultation by calling (720) 414-3332 or request your appointment through our online form.