Facelift vs Neck Lift

By Dr. Christopher Cote and Dr. Nicolette Picerno on April 20, 2018 under Facelift, Neck Lift

Facelift vs Neck Lift

The effects of time eventually catch up with all of us. This results in volume loss, sagging, and lines and wrinkles. Signs of aging usually affect the face first and can include your jaw and neck area. Plastic surgery in Denver can take many years off your face by tightening the tissue to a youthful position. The facelift and neck lift have the same goals but target different concerns. Keep reading to find out which procedure might be right for you.

What can a facelift do?

As you age, you might begin to lose facial volume, resulting in midface sagging and a loss of definition of your features. A facelift can tighten your facial tissues, pulling them back and removing excess skin to create a younger, but still natural appearance. Incisions for a facelift in Denver are made within the hairline to make any scarring as unnoticeable as possible. You and your surgeon will decide if you require a full facelift or a less extensive mini facelift.

What can a neck lift do?

Signs of aging don’t just stop at the face, they often involve the chin and neck area too, resulting in a double chin appearance, sagging jowls, and visible neck bands. The neck lift in Denver can tighten the neck area to redefine the jawline and improve sagging under the chin. Many individuals seek treatment with a facelift and are surprised to learn that the neck lift might be more beneficial. The neck lift also avoids any visible scarring by using an incision under the chin.

Combining a Facelift and Necklift

If you experience severe signs of aging in the mid and lower face as well as the neck area, you might benefit from a combined face and neck lift. These procedures are often performed together for optimal facial rejuvenation. In cases where stubborn fat is causing a double chin, liposuction can also be added to the neck lift to slim the area.

A board-certified plastic surgeon can help you determine which procedure or combination of procedures is right for you. To get started on your customized treatment plan, contact our office today for a consultation!